Hi Nitromians!
This is probably our best piece of fan work to date!
Max Schramp and Duncan Smith have not only recreated one of our games, Skywire VIP, very closely in the 'Scratch' format but actually filled it with all new content that we would argue is of similar quality to the original.
Scratch for those that don’t know is: ‘a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web.’ – Scratch Website
A quick word of note here, we would normally not condone someone building fan sequels to our games but this is a purely non-profit project that will have no impact with us in terms of piracy which is why we felt we could give the creators credit for their hard work.
We were so impressed with the project that we asked the creators if they would like to take it further as a fully fledged new release on our site. They were more than happy to take up our offer and have even implemented suggestions that we made to make the upcoming official version even better. It will have a full 100 new rounds, some of which were made especially for this release
Thanks again to Max and Duncan who have worked very hard on this project!
Look forward to this release coming soon!
Play Skywire VIP: Click here!
Scratch Project: Click Here