Hi Everyone!
We are currently in talks with another cdn provider. After some local testing, it looks likely that they may well be faster than the provider that we're currently using, which is great news for all of you! (you'll get to access our games and site content faster than before).
With this proposed site improvement, we'll certainly need to test it live and that is exactly what we are doing this week!
We'll possibly be testing until next Monday. So, with this week being our testing period, if you notice any problems, like slowing down of the site, error messages etc, please get in touch with us and let us know what went wrong! ( bugs@nitrome.com ).
If you DO get in touch, please let us know of your rough location in the world (USA, UK etc). Providing us with a State / County / Province might be handy for us when we actually go in to diagnosing the issues too.
This shouldn't affect us in bringing you new content, like the upcoming Pixel Love etc.
Well, wish us luck! :D