pixellovegames.com is now live!
As you all know, we really love pixel art.
About 2 years ago, we decided to highlight the best pixel games from around the web made by other people every Monday. This formed the basis of what is now known as "Pixel Love".
We noticed some things that we wanted to change when we initially created Pixel Love.
Things we noticed and wanted to improve:
- No list of games to choose from. You needed to use the search box/wiki
- We could only support flash games which ruled out a lot of awesome pixel content made in other formats
- After the games initial feature, it would be buried under blog posts and other content getting hidden from view.
We have now addressed these issues.
We are pleased to present Pixel Love Games!
- You can now select games from a list directly below the game
- You can "heart" games
- You can share games
- You can "dim the lights"
- You can send us suggestions via email as to which game you think we should feature
- If you are a developer you can upload a game directly to the site and have us review it.
- You can order the games by earliest date / most hearts / most plays
Thanks for playing everyone!