Hi Nitromians!
I am going to carry out some server fixes starting early next week (most likely Monday). I'm sure that you may be wondering what that will mean for all of you, so I thought I'd give you all a bit of insight!
Well for starters, once I'm done, I should be able to get those problematic game comments back up and running! Also, I will be making a point of fixing some long standing issues and other things that may have got broken during the original server swap.
If there is anything in particular that you may have noticed, you'd be helping a lot by making a list of things that are broken in the comments below. It will be a great resource for me whilst tackling issues starting Monday!
You will most likely also notice a slight bit of downtime to the account functionality starting Monday. This is just so that we don't lose any of your data during the fixes we plan to carry out.
Well, we hope that you all enjoy your weekend!