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Green Ninja Web build live!

Hi Nitromians,

we realise it has been a frustrating wait for this but Green Ninja: Year of the Frog is now live on the website. This is just the Unity build so if your using Chrome which turned off Unity a few months back your going to have to swap browser I'm afraid. We would suggest Firefox.

We are hoping to put Vault live next week and then launch Beneath the Lighthouse as close to the mobile release as we can manage...ideally the same day. We then hope to stick with this on releases going forward.

We hate to over promise as things usually go wrong but this is our intent at this moment in time.

For those interested we are still intending to persue WebGL versions of all the Unity games. We have been trying to do this for a while with mixed success. Ultimatly despite overcoming several hurdles there seems to be an issue with the WebGL builds requiring too much memory which causes the browser to not load the content on some computers. It is particularly an issue on Chrome which is annoying as Chrome is the browser we would most like to get it working on. 

We still have no web developer at the moment which means were not majorly looking at the WebGL issue at this point in time. We are interviewing for the possition so at some point we will have someone again to look into this. We do feel however that this issue is somthing that is more an issue of the Unity exporter. A lot of devs are reporting the same issue and Unity seem to accnowlege that there is work to be done in this area to improve so the hope is that a furture Unity update may fix this issue that were having.

Have a great weekend everyone!

by Mat

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