Hey there! Our Nitrome Touchy app has been updated for both iOS and Android!
Due to popular demand you can now play Swindler for free! We hope you enjoy playing Swindler with Touchy and decide to upgrade to the full unlocked version.
Happy gaming!
Hi Everyone,
Do you remember us saying that we are currently working hard to bring you all our next winter game?
Well we thought we'd whet your appetite with a little preview screenshot...
...It's gonna be Bad Ice Cream 2!
You might also notice the extra ice creams in the shot. That's right! It's gonna be Touchy's second multiplayer game!
As we are adding four players, I guess that means that we need more flavours! Can you say mint choc-chip?
Keep your eyes peeled for this game coming to Nitrome very soon :)
Hi Nitromians!
This week's pixel love game is Space Odyssey by Jeff Cardinal!
The game has a simple goal. It is up to you to collect as many ingredients as you can before plummeting down to the ground again.
The more you collect, the more platforms you can spawn and the higher you can climb!
Space Odyssey: Click Here!
Hey Nitromians,
Some of you may have noticed a snazzy new layout of the Nitrome site. We are currently undergoing a transitional phase over the coming months to make the site even more awesome.And before you ask, 'yes' this means accounts are in the works...;)
If you could all report any bugs, games not working and general out of the ordinary activity then it would help this process run smoothly.
Send you findings to:
Or just drop us a message on Facebook thanks =0)
Hi Nitromians!
Today we have chosen a very interesting pixel love game called Next Please created by Vyacheslav Stepanov.
We thought that the core game mechanic was very clever in this puzzle platformer.
You are playing as both the hero and the environment. Turn your character into solid platforms to reach out to higher places and destroy them again when they get in your way.
There is a lot of fun to be had in this little gem!
Play Next Please: Click Here!
Enjoy! :)
Hey Nitromians,
Winter has officially arrived and it’s another gloomy looking Monday over the Nitrome HQ in London. Lucky for all you gamers out there we have found another awesome Pixel Love for you all to try which we are sure will brighten up your day.
Cat Astro Phi is a truly retro styled action adventure by the mega talented Photon Storm team (Rich Davey & Ilija Melentijevikc).
You play as a plucky astro explorer who is on a mission to find his lost feline companion after crash landing on an alien planet.
Players will most likely recognize the “familiar” handheld game console that the game is successfully mimicking. The green tinged retro styled art looks super stylish and manages to bring back memories of the good old days of classic handheld gaming. And the music is a true masterpiece in its own right composed by Rich Vreeland (which you can buy in-game if you are a fan of great retro beats like we are).
So if you are a fan of retro platformers, puzzles, pixels, cats (or just the colour green) then you're in for a gaming treat.
Play Cat Astro Phi: Click Here
Photon Storm: Click Here
We hope you enjoy Cat Astro Phi and we’ll see you next week for some more Nitrome Pixel Love. ;0)
Well hello again Nitromian’s and welcome back to another addition of Mondays Pixelove. Today’s nostalgic pixel feast goes by the name of Enough Plumbers a somewhat eerily familiar plumber platformer by Glen Forrester and Arthur Lee.
Hang on a minute...Isn’t that??? I hear you cry as you glance at the screen shots.
Well both yes and no... Although this may seem like a simple clone of everybody’s favourite fat plumber platformer at first glance. Appearances can be deceiving; there is a neat little twist!
...Every time you pick up a coin a brand new plumber is thrown into the mix. The upside to this is that you now control a small army of Mario’s and now have multiple hits at your disposal. Unfortunately the downside to all that is that all of the plumbers move in unison to the same key commands. And with plenty of challenges scattered throughout the game controlling all of them at once can be both a challenging and dangerous feat indeed.
Be prepared to be both amused and enraged at this cleverly crafted little timewaster.
Until next week Nitromeians Enjoy. =0)
Hey Nitromians it’s another busy Monday morning over at the Nitrome towers HQ. It’s a good job that our next showcase pixel love game is all about Multitasking then is it?
Duo Tasking a game by DigiCroc is a cleaver little platformer with a nifty puzzle twist.
You take control of pixel robot, who’s task is to collect all the coins on stage whist avoiding anything red. However (and here is the cleaver bit) not only do you control the platform robot, but a big red laser at the same time....Wait, WHAT?!?
As you move the robot from left to right, your laser will move from top to bottom. Both of them are vulnerable to damage, and the robot even is killed by your lasers which makes for some interesting duel action puzzles.
For all you Multitasking experts out there, who feel like they can juggle more things at once. there is a ‘hard’ mode for you to try If you want to ramp up the difficulty even further.
Play Duo Tasking: Click Here!
Enjoy and we’ll see you next week for some more Pixel Love.
Swindler is back in a brand new drop and roll adventure Swindler 2!
Take control of our sneaky little green dangler in this rotating action puzzler.
Bouncing back onto your screens, fresh from the hugely successful early 2012 title Swindler. This brand new game is the first Nitrome Touchy enabled title from launch. So if you want the full immersive experience, get Touchy and get rolling!
Whilst we’re on the subject, for you android users out there, the wait is over! Touchy is now available to download on the Google Play Store. Just in time for Thanks Giving! Phew….! :0)
If you don’t have a smartphone, don’t worry you can still enjoy Swindler 2 using your keyboard just like all the other Nitrome games. The world of Nitrome just got that little bit better! We hope you enjoy Swindler 2, we really enjoyed making it!
Swindler 2: Click to Play!
Have fun!
Hello Nitromians,
Today we have launched a teaser video for our soon to be released addition to the Nitrome game catalogue. Swindler 2 is the sequel to one of this year’s greatest hits.
This new game introduces mechanics that turn our little green dangler on it’s head… literally! This is our first brand new game that will launch with Touchy as a controller option. This is by far the best way to enjoy this rolling action puzzler.
We’ll keep you updated on all things Swindler related but for now check out the video to see what it’s all about!
Swindler 2 Trailer: Click Here!