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Game: Test Subject Complete

The concluding part to the action puzzle platforming Test Subject series

Hello all,

We have uploaded a new version of Test Subject Complete. We done a few bug fixes, they are as follows:

More robust reset functionality. – The “R” key for resetting the level had a few bugs depending on when it was pressed. These issues have now been resolved.

Invisible steps! – They are no more!!! If you don’t know about them, then don’t worry! ;0)

Laser sound loop issues. – Again this was related to the reset functionality, this should be no more.

Thank you all for giving us your feedback, especially the guys and gals that do

We hope you have all enjoyed playing Test Subject Complete, and if you’ve not tried it yet… why not?! Get your gaming head on and head over to the Test Subject Complete game page!

Test Subject Complete: Click Here!

Take care all!

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Hello all you lovely peoples!

We are happy to announce that Test Subject Complete is now out for your delectation. This is the 3rd and final part to the Test Subject Story. (Test Subject Blue, Test Subject Green)

As we indicated in the trailer that went online a couple of weeks ago, Blue must escape the cage and discover what happened to the professor and quite possibly save the world!

So why are you reading this? Get you gaming heads on and start playing!

We hope you enjoy it!

Test Subject Complete: Click To Play!

Loads of love – The Nitrome Team!


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As we draw close to it's release, we have got a teaser trailer ready for our upcoming game Test Subject Complete, Enjoy!

In the meantime, why not re-familiarize yourselves with Test Subject Blue and Test Subject Green before launch?

Test Subject Complete Trailer: Click Here!

You can also tell us what you think of the trailer on our Facebook Page!

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Hello all of you lovely peeps!

We thought we should show you some more of what we've been up to with our favourite Blue Enzyme.

For those of you who managed to complete Test Subject Green, you will have seen that the game ended with Blue in a new suit. Well here’s an in-game shot of Blue in said mech suit. The observant amongst you may notice that Blue is upside down! Oh yes, that’s not a mistake.

You’ll also notice that one of Dr Nastidious’ soldiers is messing with Blue, dropping orange goo into the test chamber… no good can come from this… can it?!

Test Subject Complete Large Image: Click Here!


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If you only knew the amount of emails we’ve received regarding this game!

We know it’s been a while but we are finally making the third and final instalment to our Test Subject series – Test Subject Complete.

We don’t want to give too much away just yet but you should know we are wrapping up the story… it’s really good!!!

We held off making this game because we knew it was going to be a big job to do everything we wanted. For now we don’t want to give away any spoilers, however rest assured you will get to play in the new suit, find out what happened to the professor and find out why you were being tested in the first place.

So why don’t you re-familiarise yourself with the Test Subject story and play Test Subject Blue and then Test Subject Green.

We will be giving more info on Test Subject Complete in the run up to its release… until then happy gaming!

Full Preview Image: Click Here!
Play Test Subject Blue: Click Here!
Play Test Subject Green: Click Here!

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