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Game: Hot Air 2

Sequel to our balloon blowing original. Bosses and surprises galore!

Game: Hot Air Jr

Help Hot Air Jr find his lost dog while avoiding the dangerous obstacles ahead!

Game: Hot Air Jr Demo

Demo of our upcoming game Hot Air Jr!

Game: Hot Air

Use your fan to blow a balloon safely through each trap filled environment.


We are now distributing Hot Air Jr for use around the web!

This means you can add this and many more Nitrome games to your site by copying the code from our Distribution Page and placing it on your web pages.

Distribution Page: Click Here
Play Hot Air Jr: Click Here! 

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We have a super special game release for you today Hot Air Jr!

This game is one that we hold close to our hearts it being based on our first ever game.

We have tried really hard to mould this franchise into something we think is truly AWSOME. It’s what Hot Air could have been had we had the skills that we have acquired over our years at the Nitrome games studio.

Gone are the twitchy hard as nails levels of its predecessors, being replaced with tons of variety and set pieces on every level. We truly hope you love this game half as much as we do.

Well what are you waiting for, go and play it now!

Click to Play!

...P.s make sure you try to unlock all of the levels and super secret special ‘evil’ ending. ;0)

Happy gaming !

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Here it is Nitromians!

The demo we promised this week is from our upcoming game Hot Air Jr!

We are really happy with the original Hot Air games and we have taken the concept of guiding your balloon through dangerous environments with your fan whilst also trying to give Hot Air Jr a nice balance in terms of difficulty.

Something we noticed in the original Hot Air games was just how unforgiving they were, so with that in mind, Hot Air Jr is being developed to give users some areas to rest and think about the obstacles ahead without always having to worry about the constant spikes! :)

We would really like to know what you all think of the game engine so far, as your feedback could help us make the game even better.

Please note that this demo arena is not a level from the final game. The arena has been created for you all to have some fun, get to know the controls and explore the game and the game engine!

Enjoy the demo and let us know what you think via Facebook, Twitter or Email!

Hot Air Jr Demo: Click to Play!

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We hope you are excited for the Hot Air follow up game release!

We thought we would give you a little info on some of what you can expect. First up is the title which is NOT going to be Hot Air 3! We are intending to go with the title Hot Air Jr. We have a few reasons for this decision...

First up (and potentially a spoiler!) is that at the end of Hot Air 2 they have a child so we thought it was a nice idea to be able to play as that child. We also thought that, as there has been a big gap since the last title and we have an all new engine, giving it a none-sequel title would make the game more attractive to people not familiar with the franchise.

There is a small element that the title suggests the game could be easier too which has some truth to it though it will certainly not be so much easier but more a result of an aspect of the new engine.

So we mentioned the ‘new engine’ twice, what gives with that I hear you ask?

The big thing we hear in feedback about the original two games is that it is too unforgiving that everything makes you pop so we decided to look at that aspect. In the new game regular walls will not pop you so you only have to deal with the obstacles and walls that do have spikes placed on them. This makes the game easier but in general we use it to give the player a break in between areas and to put focus more on the obstacles than the walls.

Although we are making changes to make the game more approachable we want to make sure that the core things that made the original games great are still here in the third release. We think the key ingredient is variety and we plan to keep with the format of Hot Air 2 of having a new element every single level!

Because we have made some pretty big changes to the engine we would love to get your feedback so we plan to release a demo of the game prior to the full release so look out for that coming soon!

Play Hot Air: Click Here!
Play Hot Air 2: Click Here!

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Hi Nitromians!

We have had a look at Hot Air 2 recently and have fixed the high scores issues that some of you have pointed out to us.

The problem was that the high scores were not showing up in the game. We have now fixed that, so you can play Hot Air 2 and try again to achieve a new high score! :D

Click To Play!

Have Fun!

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